The Muse

I'm interested in how inspiration strikes the writer. Is it a eureka moment or a tortuous process in which you beat your brains out on the keyboard? Personally, I never know what I'm going to write until I sit down and do it. Or I start out with one idea and end up with something completely different. How about you?


potdoll said…
dunno. i usually have an image and then create a story around it and then just keep feeding it until it grows into a story. have to have lots of baths or showers or walks or drives to get the good stuff to come to me. other times it comes as i'm writing.

other times nothing.
Elinor said…
Do you deliberately strive after inspiration mentally or does it come when you let your mind wander freely? I hear you about the image, though.
Andy Phillips said…
For me, it's an emotion.
Jon said…
Speaking from my completely amateur and aspiring position... for me, it's a combination of things. I can't quite recall where/when/how any of my stuff comes to me because the initial idea seems to come in a flash with the skeleton already fully formed then I put their flesh on them like their veritable slave. But then again, I also know the feeling and the meaning instantaneously as well... and often the first and last image... maybe I should just say dunno and plead the fifth... or I might just be deluded and a bit rubbish! Dunno! ;-)
Near by said…
Yes with me I like to let the idea brew in the pot a bit - sometimes for a few months...

I find that inspiration often strikes while talking (or reading)to other writers (ha!) or seeing stuff..
Near by said…
reading (not to them!)
Jon said…
How pretentious do I sound? It was late, I was young... we must never speak of it again!
Elinor said…
Oh Jon, you weren't nearly pretentious enough!

Far away, I know just what you mean. Sometimes I'm struck by an idea whilst talking and I have to write it down or it's gone forever.
Lianne said…
It's usually a theme or an emotion for me, sometimes an image. Either way it usually changes massively along the way.

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