There's a lot of it about.

The flu that is. So much so that the convent is running at half-strength. Sister Mary Carlsberg hasn't the health to shoplift so we're out of communion wine. Fortunately, I see balsamic vinegar at the back of the cupboard so all is not lost.

I'm fine, thank you for asking. I have the blood of a nun half my age. I got it on ebay. Rumours that I have sold my soul to Satan or Chris Soth have been greatly exaggerated.


Near by said…
get well soon!
Elinor said…
Thanks dearie! Lucky you, back at your desk. I can only dream of mine...
Lucy V said…
Given your comment on my blog re: "research", this will make you feel better dearie. Enjoy!
Lucy V said…
Crap, link not working properly.

Given your comment on my blog re: "research", Here you go.
Jon said…
Well, all the best there and hopefully the balsamic will keep the germs at bay...

Just don't follow Father Jack's advice on what to drink...
Elinor said…
Thanks Jon and Lucy. I'm getting better all the time ably assisted by the gay porn clip Sister Lucy so kindly sent. Altogether now...WOO-HOO!

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