Meme'd... the lovely Chip, no less.
As you can see by the photo, my selection of film books ranges from the erudite to the truly trashy. Which I kind of envisage will be the address at my funeral.
1. Shock Value by the Pope of Trash himself, the esteemed john Waters. This is a right good read. Knowingly self-deprecating and funny, Mr Waters knows how to spin a yarn.
2. Anime: from Akira to Princess Mononoke by Susan Napier. I don't know that much about Anime but this was a surprisingly accessible analysis of the genre.
3. Smoking in Bed: Conversations with Bruce Robinson, edited by Alistair Owen. Another fun, gossipy read with the fabled director.
4. The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. I know, I know. It sounds dead stodgy but there's some great essays in here on film.
5. Gender Trouble by Judith Butler. Groundbreaking feminist theory and elegantly written to boot.
I tag Far Away, Helen Smith, Fun Joel, Potdoll and Sheikspear.
...but which bit's shameful: the Dolce e Gabbana bit, the spectacles or that you keep them imprisoned?