Meme'd... the lovely Chip, no less.

As you can see by the photo, my selection of film books ranges from the erudite to the truly trashy. Which I kind of envisage will be the address at my funeral.

1. Shock Value by the Pope of Trash himself, the esteemed john Waters. This is a right good read. Knowingly self-deprecating and funny, Mr Waters knows how to spin a yarn.

2. Anime: from Akira to Princess Mononoke by Susan Napier. I don't know that much about Anime but this was a surprisingly accessible analysis of the genre.

3. Smoking in Bed: Conversations with Bruce Robinson, edited by Alistair Owen. Another fun, gossipy read with the fabled director.

4. The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism. I know, I know. It sounds dead stodgy but there's some great essays in here on film.

5. Gender Trouble by Judith Butler. Groundbreaking feminist theory and elegantly written to boot.

I tag Far Away, Helen Smith, Fun Joel, Potdoll and Sheikspear.


Near by said…
Actually I was intrigued by the tape measure (was that to check whether the pile would fit in the viewfinder?) and the DG(?) buckle...
Elinor said…
I'd love to say yes but the tape measure is my daughter's. She left home but strangely her dressmaker's dummy has found its way back. The DG is tragically my Dolce e Gabbana spectacle case. Oh the shame....
Gareth Michael Turpie said…
many thanks sister elinor for your tag. me-me's now on show at the oasis.
Elinor said…
I'm there Brother Sheiky!
Jon said…
"The DG is tragically my Dolce e Gabbana spectacle case. Oh the shame...."

...but which bit's shameful: the Dolce e Gabbana bit, the spectacles or that you keep them imprisoned?
Elinor said…
The fact that when I was getting my spectacles (which I loathe) I really really wanted a case that had a diamante DG on it. You can take the nun out of Birmingham but you'll never take Birmingham out of the nun...
Fun Joel said…
Hey Elinor! SO sorry I dropped the ball on this, even WITH your reminder. What are the "instructions" for this meme? I'll try to do it straightaway. Feel free to email me with the specifics. :-)

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