When the son's away...

Darling ones, do pardon my lack of blogs, I've been away with the father of my children to Dublin. It seemed like a good opportunity as the son was off on his school trip to Lanzarote, if you please. It used to be the battlefields of Northern France in my young day.
Thus it was that we walked the streets of Dublin's fair city and a very convivial place it is too. Though I imagine it gets a bit lairy on the weekend with the stag and hen parties.
We shopped, we ate, we slept. In between all that we checked out Christ Church with its Norse foundations, the National Gallery (excellent) and we even went to a performance of I, Keano at the Olympia theatre. Very funny it was too, even for me who knows NOTHING about the beautiful game.
Now you must excuse me, I really must check out what the rest of you have been up to and update the Brides of Christ surveillance system accordingly.
Pots and FA, it's like we've never been away.
They may call it Guinness but I've seen the stuff that comes up from the ground and I can't tell the difference.