Voiceovers etc.,

Darling ones,

I'm in the Dairy Studio this Wednesday recording the voices for Justin Hustlin. Well, I won't be doing any of the tech stuff. Oh no, I will be fretting, smiling my best rictus smile and sorting out the catering. A task for which motherhood has clearly prepared me.

The Country and Western script has gone back, was deemed acceptable and is, even as we speak, going to a script editor. Another short film (that might actually get made!!) is bubbling away...

On the reviewing front, I watched a DVD of The Day The Earth Stood Still, which did look fab on the husb's obscenely huge TV. Sadly, Keanu was even more absent than usual. I much prefer him as the bad guy. I'm going to review Ahlaam and The Last Of The Crazy People.

Oh look at that, I have about twenty free minutes! Time to get some writing done...

Thanking you.


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