Congregants are respectfully reminded not to spike the communion wine with anti-freeze.

Darling ones,

Lock and Load is currently engaged on two treatments for spec features. One of which is a rewrite for Penny Dreadful and the other a script I shall be touting at the Screenwriters' Festival in October. I will be sharing a room with lovely Lucy, may Dog The Bounty Hunter have mercy on my soul. We are staying at the Wyastone Hotel.

I am following the million dollar method as expounded by Chris Soth and I find that it works very well indeed, especially when you hit the mid-point and you just want to cry. In fact, you're hardly aware of the mid-point at all! Marvellous. Any other methods people are following? Don't be shy...

Interestingly, Lucy twittered about a link on the South West Screen website concerning Bebo and how online dramas are funded. Questions at the ready! I'm formulating as we speak...

That is all.


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