52 Weeks of Writing by Mariëlle S. Smith

52 Weeks of Writing Author Journal and Planner

Are you ready to become the writer you were always meant to be?
52 Weeks of Writing will get you cracking by making you plan, track, reflect on, and check in with your progress and goals an entire year long.
52 Weeks of Writing will help you dig deep by offering questions and writing prompts designed to unravel whatever truths about your writing you’re ready for.
52 Weeks of Writing will keep you inspired by delivering a thought-provoking writing quote every week.

- Do you struggle with setting goals that reflect your daily reality?
- Do you want to practise breaking goals down into manageable chunks?
- Would you like more insight into your writing habit(s) and figure out why you keep getting in your own way?
- And do you want to create a sustainable writing practice that honours your needs and desires as a writer?

Then the 52 Weeks of Writing: Author Journal and Planner is for you.
52 Weeks of Writing brings together every lesson Mariëlle S. Smith has learned as a writing coach and writer. Wary as she is of comparisonitis and unhealthy competition, this author journal and planner was designed to help writers develop and fine-tune a practice that works for them.
If you’re ready to get out of your own way and become the writer you’re meant to be, pick up your copy of 52 Weeks of Writing today.


Very often, I find the prospect of another 'new' way of holding myself accountable when writing quite daunting, but the pleasant surprise about 52 Weeks of Writing' is that it has built-in progression sections which make it easy to complete. In a way this would be an important document looking back over a whole year, in terms of one's own development as a writer. Only recently on Bang2write there was much dicussion of Malcolm Gladwell's assertion that it takes 10,000 hours to truly develop one's craft as a writer. I can only think that something concrete like this writing journal would be a valuable contribution to this lengthy process.

I particularly enjoyed the themed quotes at the beginning of each week. I also liked the regular opportunities for reflection and personal development. You can literally start the process at any time of year. I wonder if participants of NaNoWriMo might like this approach. For long-term projects and multiple drafts of scripts and novels, it could prove invaluable.

Author Bio:

Mariëlle S. Smith is a coach for writers and other creatives, an editor, (ghost) writer, and custom retreat organiser. In 2019, she moved to Cyprus, and island in the Mediterranean Sea, where she organises private writer’s retreats, is inspired 24/7, and feeds more stray cats than she can count.

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Giveaway to win

• THREE paperback copies of the 52 Weeks of Writing Author Journal and Planner,
• TWO paperback copies of Tarot for Creatives: 21 Tarot Spreads to (Re)Connect to Your Intuition and Ignite That Creative Spark, and
• ONE coaching session.


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